Study type:
Medical/biological study
[Technical measurement studies on current intensity, exposure time and current pathway of alternating current electrical injuries to humans and animals. Impact and analysis for power installations. (part 1)]
Meßtechnische Untersuchungen über Stromstärke, Einwirkungsdauer und Stromweg bei elektrischen Wechselstromunfällen an Mensch und Tier. Bedeutung und Auswertung für Starkstromanlagen. (Teil 1)
Osypka P
Published in: Elektromed Biomed Tech 1963; 8 (3): 153-179
Journal partially peer-reviewed/peer-review process unclear
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Osypka P
[Technical measurement studies on current intensity, exposure time and current pathway of alternating current electrical injuries to humans and animals. Impact and analysis for power installations. (part 2)]