For each test frequency there were three replicate experiments conducted using fresh seeds prepared in the same manner: 20 beans of almost the same weight (0.08 g) and similar appearance. 10 beans were grown under a magnetic field and the other 10 were placed 250 mm away from the coil (control group).
Naz A et al.
Enhancement in the germination, growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) using pre-sowing magnetic treatment of seeds
Costanzo E
Influence of extremely low-frequency electric fields on the growth of Vigna radiata seedlings
Sharma VP et al.
Cell phone radiations affect early growth of Vigna radiata (mung bean) through biochemical alterations
Vashisth A et al.
Effect on germination and early growth characteristics in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds exposed to static magnetic field
Sharma VP et al.
Mobile phone radiation inhibits Vigna radiata (mung bean) root growth by inducing oxidative stress
Costanzo E
The influence of an electric field on the growth of soy seedlings
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On the mechanisms of stimulation and inhibition of wheat seed germination by low-frequency magnetic field