Answer to comments by A. Lerchl on "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effects in vitro in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes" published by C. Schwarz et al. 2008
Rudiger HW
Published in: Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2009; 82 (2): 279-283
Lerchl A
Comments on "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effects in vitro in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes" by Schwarz et al. (Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2008: doi: 10.1007/s00420-008-0305-5)
Schwarz C et al.
Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effects in vitro in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes
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