Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Effect of GSM 900 MHz mobile phone radiation on the reproductive capacity of Drosophila melanogaster med./bio.

Published in: Electromagn Biol Med 2004; 23 (1): 29-43

Aim of study (acc. to author)

To study the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic irradiation at 900 MHz, emitted by GSM mobile phones on reproductive capacity of the insect Drosophila melanogaster.

Background/further details

In the first experiment (A) the insects were exposed to the mobile phone's GSM field while the mobile phone was operating in "non-speaking mode" ("non-modulated emission"; situation when the user listens through the mobile phone during connection). In the second set of experiments (B) the mobile phone was operating in "speaking mode" ("modulated emission"; the experimenter was speaking close to the mobile phone' microphone during exposure) during exposures and the third set of experiments (C) was designed to record the effect of the field on the reproductive capacity of each sex separately.



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 900 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: repeated daily exposure, 6 min/day for 5 days
Exposure 2: 900 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: repeated daily exposure, 6 min/day for 5 days
Exposure 3: 900 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: repeated daily exposure, 6 min/day for 2 days
testing the effect on each sex separately

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 900 MHz
Exposure duration repeated daily exposure, 6 min/day for 5 days
Additional info GSM basic modulation
Modulation type pulsed
Repetition frequency 217 Hz
Additional info

non-speaking mode (non-modulated emission)

Exposure setup
Exposure source
Chamber The exposures and the field measurements took place in a quiet but not sound-isolated room. Flies were put in groups of 10 in standard laboratory 50-ml cylindrical glass vials (tubes), with 2.5-cm diameter and 10-cm height, with standard food, which formed a smooth plane surface, 1-cm thick at the bottom of the vials. The glass vials were closed with cotton plugs that were pushed down each time before exposure to confine the flies to a small area of 1-cm height between the cotton and the food to provide roughly even exposure to all flies. After the exposure, the cotton plugs were pulled back to the top of the vials, and the vials were put back in the culture room.
Setup The mobile phone was held close to the experimenter's head with its antenna facing downward, being at the same time parallel to and in contact with the glass vials. The experimenter could speak on the mobile phone during connection ("modulated emission") or could just make no sound ("non-modulated emission"). In both cases, the experimenter's position in relation to the mobile phone and the glass vials was the same.
Additional info In the first two sets of experiments, the insects were separated into two groups (each one consisting of 10 female and 10 male, newly emerged flies): exposed group and sham exposed (control) group. The sham exposed groups had identical treatment, except that the mobile phone was turned off.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
electric field strength 16.68 V/m mean measured - ± 3.68 V/m
power density 0.041 mW/cm² mean measured - ± 0.006 mW/cm²
electric field strength 3.18 V/m mean measured - ± 1.10 V/m ELF
magnetic flux density 3 nT mean measured - ± 0.3 nT ELF

Exposure 2

Main characteristics
Frequency 900 MHz
Exposure duration repeated daily exposure, 6 min/day for 5 days
Additional info GSM talk modulation
Modulation type pulsed
Repetition frequency 217 Hz
Additional info

speaking mode (modulated emission)

Exposure setup
Exposure source
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
electric field strength 37.21 V/m mean measured - ± 7.10 V/m
power density 0.436 mW/cm² mean measured - ± 0.060 mW/cm²
electric field strength 6.05 V/m mean measured - ± 1.62 V/m ELF
magnetic flux density 10 nT mean measured - ± 6 nT ELF

Exposure 3

Main characteristics
Frequency 900 MHz
Exposure duration repeated daily exposure, 6 min/day for 2 days
Additional info testing the effect on each sex separately
Modulation type pulsed
Repetition frequency 217 Hz
Additional info

speaking mode (modulated emission)

Exposure setup
Exposure source
Additional info In this third set of experiments, the insects were separated into four groups (each one consisting again of 10 female and 10 male insects). In the first group, both male and female insects were exposed. In the second group, only the females, and in the third group, only the males were exposed. The fourth group was sham exposed (control).
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
electric field strength 37.21 V/m mean measured - ± 7.10 V/m
power density 0.436 mW/cm² mean measured - ± 0.060 mW/cm²
electric field strength 6.05 V/m mean measured - ± 1.62 V/m ELF
magnetic flux density 10 nT mean measured - ± 6 nT ELF

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Time of investigation:
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

Pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic irradiation from common GSM mobile phones with a carrier frequency at 900 MHz, "modulated" by human voice (speaking emission) decreased the reproductive capacity of Drosophila melanogaster by 50 % - 60 %, whereas the corresponding "non-modulated"- field (non-speaking emission) decreased the reproductive capacity by 15 % - 20 %. The field is found to affect both females and males.
The data suggest that this field-irradiation decreases the rate of cellular processes during gonad development in insects.

Study character:

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