Study type:
Medical/biological study
(experimental study)
Permeability changes of connexin32 hemi channels reconstituted in liposomes induced by extremely low frequency, low amplitude magnetic fields
Ramundo-Orlando A, Serafino A, Schiavo R, Liberti M, D'Inzeo G
Published in: Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr 2005; 1668 (1): 33-40
Percherancier Y et al.
Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on gap junctional intercellular communication in NIH3T3 cells
Yamaguchi DT et al.
Inhibition of gap junction intercellular communication by extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields in osteoblast-like models is dependent on cell differentiation
Ramundo-Orlando A et al.
Effect of low frequency, low amplitude magnetic fields on the permeability of cationic liposomes entrapping carbonic anhydrase: I. Evidence for charged lipid involvement
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