The search found 834 items.
Due to your filter selection, 458 items are being displayed.
The following terms were included:
Vilic M, Gajger IT, Tucak P, Stambuk A, Srut M, Klobucar G, Malaric K, Zajaa IZ, Pavelic A, Manger M, Tkalec M
J Apic Res 56 (4): 430-438
Aghajari S, Mortazavi SMJ, Kalani M, Nematolahi S, Habibzadeh P, Farjadian S
Cell J 22 (4): 401-405
Fragopoulou AF, Polyzos A, Papadopoulou MD, Sansone A, Manta AK, Balafas E, Kostomitsopoulos N, Skouroliakou A, Chatgilialoglu C, Georgakilas A, Stravopodis DJ, Ferreri C, Thanos D, Margaritis LH
Brain Behav 8 (6): e01001
of the structure and function of the immune system, of how the body resists diseases
effects by regulating the immune system.
Woelders H, de Wit A, Lourens A, Stockhofe N, Engel B, Hulsegge I, Schokker D, van Heijningen P, Vossen S, Bekers D, Zwamborn P
Bioelectromagnetics 38 (3): 186-203
Hoare JI, Rajnicek AM, McCaig CD, Barker RN, Wilson HM
J Leukoc Biol 99 (6): 1141-1151
Monro JA, Puri BK
Electromagn Biol Med 34 (4): 298-301
Herbert MR, Sage C
Pathophysiology 20 (3): 191-209
Eden T
Cancer Treat Rev 36 (4): 286-297