The search found 3319 items.
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Shandilya H, Balaji A, Reddy GR
2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE), Vellore, India. IEEE: pp. 1-5; ISBN 978-1-7281-4143-5
Foster KR, Ziskin MC, Balzano Q, Hirata A
IEEE Access 8: 130239-130251
Pikov V, Siegel PH
Gregory KW, Tearney GJ, Marcu L, Kollias N, Choi B, Zeng H, Mandelis A, Hirschberg H, Madsen SJ, Kang HW, Knudsen BE, Mahadevan-Jansen A, Jansen ED, Wong BJF, Ilgner JFR (eds.): Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VII. Proceedings of SPIE, volume 7883; SPIE.; p. 788356
Yin B, Joseph W, Deruyck M
IEEE Access 11: 115911-115923
Ziane M, Boriskin A, Zhadobov M
IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag Lett 22 (10): 2347-2351
Stensaas LJ, Partlow LM, Bush LG, Iversen PL, Hill DW, Hagmann MJ, Gandhi OP
Bioelectromagnetics 2 (2): 141-150
Aryanfar F, Sarabandi K
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 52 (6): 1663-1670
Beneduci A, Chidichimo G, Tripepi S, Perrotta E, Cufone F
Bioelectrochemistry 70 (2): 214-220
Pooley DT, Gibson C, Stewart WR, Magee J, Ellison BN
Rev Sci Instrum 73 (4): 1296-1302
Chung MA, Lin CW, Yang CW
IEEE Access 12: 42949-42960