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Wind energy plant

Belongs to:
Power supply
Wind mill, Wind power plant, Wind turbine

Wind energy plants are power plants for the transformation of wind energy into electric energy.

Wind turbines generally consist of a rotor including hub and rotor blades as well as a machine pod in which both a generator and a gear unit are located. The pod is rotatable positioned on a tower that provides stability of the whole construction. Further technical components are monitoring and control systems as well as a connection to the public power supply grid.

The wind causes buoyancy which makes the rotor and the hub rotate. This rotation is forwarded to the generator that generates electrical power and forwards it through the tower to the transformer.

Frequency ranges:
  • 50–60 Hz
Type of field:
electric and magnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 1.44 V/m (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 2 - 3 m to the tower [1]
magnetic flux density 13.3 nT (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 3 m to the tower [1]
magnetic flux density 13.9 nT (measured) - at a distance of 2 m from the tower, above the 33 kV cable channel at a height of 180 cm [1]
magnetic flux density 15.1 nT (measured) - at a distance of 2 m to the tower, above 33 kV cable channel at a height of 120 cm above ground level [1]
magnetic flux density 15.3 nT (measured) - at a distance of 3 m from the tower, above the 33 kV cable channel at a height of 180 cm above ground level [1]
magnetic flux density 18 nT (measured) - at a distance of 3 m from the tower, above the 33 kV cable channel at a height of 120 cm from ground level [1]
magnetic flux density 0.025 µT (measured) - for low and high wind, at a distance of 100 m to the base of the tower [2]
magnetic flux density 0.03 µT (measured) - for low and high wind, at a distance of 10 m to the base of the tower [2]
magnetic flux density 0.04 µT (measured) - for low wind, at a distance of 0.5 m to the base of the tower [2]
magnetic flux density 0.05 µT (measured) - for high wind, at a distance of 0.5 m to the base of the tower [2]


  1. Israel M et al. (2011): Electromagnetic fields and other physical factors around wind power generators (pilot study)
  2. McCallum LC et al. (2014): Measuring electromagnetic fields (EMF) around wind turbines in Canada: is there a human health concern?