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HVDC overhead cable

Belongs to:
Overhead power transmission line
High-voltage direct current cable

HVDC overhead cables are high-voltage power transmission lines which transmit electric energy via high DC voltage over distances from 750 km upwards. An example for a large-scale HVDC landline is the HVDC Québec-New England between Canada and the US with a total length of 1480 km.

Frequency ranges:
  • 0 Hz
Type of field:
electric and magnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

100 kV
Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 19.5 kV/m (maximum, calculated) USA with corona discharge [1]
electric field strength 70 kV/m (maximum, calculated) USA without corona discharge [1]
400 kV
Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 1 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 300 Hz (5th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 1 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 2160 Hz (36th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 2 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 1080 Hz (18th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 2 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 1800 Hz (30th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 3 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 180 Hz (3rd harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 3 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 1440 Hz (24th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 4 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 240 Hz (4th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 6 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 720 Hz (12th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 10 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 360 Hz (6th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 17 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 60 Hz (1st harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 17 V/m (maximum, measured) USA at 120 Hz (2nd harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
electric field strength 9.75 kV/m (maximum, measured) USA during bipolar operation at a distance of 25 m from the center of the lines [1]
electric field strength 24 kV/m (maximum, measured) China lines 1 and 2 are located at a height of 10.7 m; distance between the lines: 12.2 m [3]
electric field strength 50 kV/m (maximum, measured) China above ground; line 1 at a height of 5.7 m, line 2 at a height of 10.7 m; distance between lines: 12.2 m [3]
current density 0.02 µA/m² (measured) USA at 300 Hz (5th hramonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.03 µA/m² (measured) USA at 180 Hz (3rd harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.05 µA/m² (measured) USA at 240 Hz (4th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.06 µA/m² (measured) USA at 60 Hz (1st harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.12 µA/m² (measured) USA at 120 Hz (2nd harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.12 µA/m² (measured) USA at 2160 Hz (36th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.12 µA/m² (measured) USA at 1080 Hz (18th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.2 µA/m² (measured) USA at 1800 Hz (30th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.2 µA/m² (measured) USA at 360 Hz (6th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.24 µA/m² (measured) USA at 720 Hz (12th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
current density 0.24 µA/m² (measured) USA at 1440 Hz (24th harmonic); due to the AC/DC conversion process [2]
magnetic flux density 20 µT (maximum) USA at the ground; in the center of the HVDC Intertie power line (earth magnetic field subtracted) [2]
magnetic flux density 25.5 µT (maximum, measured) USA at maximum current load and bipolar operation at the center of the lines [1]
magnetic flux density 28 µT (maximum, measured) USA during continuous overload load at monopolar operation at a distance of 50 m from the lines [1]
magnetic flux density 34 µT (maximum, measured) USA at maximum current load and bipolar operation at the center of the lines [1]
magnetic flux density 37.5 µT (maximum, measured) USA at maximum current load and monopolar operation at a distance of 50 m from the center of the lines [1]
450 kV
Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 9 kV/m (maximum, measured) USA in the vicinity of the power lines [1]
electric field strength 13.7 kV/m (mean) USA on the ground of the Radisson-Nicolet-DesCantons power line (20 month of continuous measurement) [4]
electric field strength 20 kV/m (maximum, measured) USA beneath the power lines [5]
electric field strength 23.3 kV/m (maximum) USA on the ground of the Radisson-Nicolet-DesCantons power line (20 month of continuous measurement) [4]
electric field strength ≤ 12.56 kV/m (mean, measured) Canada Testline, averaged over a year, all weather conditions, maximal value measured at a distance of 5.5 m. [6]
magnetic flux density 25 µT (maximum, measured) USA in the center of the power lines [7]
500 kV
Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength ≤ 17.7 kV/m (mean, measured) USA Averaged over a year, all weather conditions, maximal value measured at a distance of 7.9 m. [6]
current density 0.0041 µA/m² (maximum, calculated) USA induced current at a distance of 609.6 m [1]
600 kV
Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength ≤ 34.5 kV/m (mean, measured) Brazil Averaged over four non-contiguous months, maximal value measured at a distance of 8.3 m. [6]


  1. Bailey WH et al. (1997): HVDC power transmission environmental issues review
  2. Bracken TD (1979): The HVDC Transmission Line Environment
  3. Liu J et al. (2009): Analysis of Electric Field, Ion Flow Density, and Corona Loss of Same-Tower Double-Circuit HVDC Lines Using Improved FEM
  4. Blondin JP et al. (1996): Human perception of electric fields and ion currents associated with high-voltage DC transmission lines
  5. Clairmont BA et al. (1989): The effect of HVAC-HVDC line separation in a hybrid corridor
  6. Maruvada PS (2012): Electric Field and Ion Current Environment of HVdc Transmission Lines: Comparison of Calculations and Measurements
  7. Meah K et al. (2007): Comparative Evaluation of HVDC and HVAC Transmission Systems