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LTE 800 mobile phone

Belongs to:
LTE mobile phone

LTE 800 is the international term for the frequency band of the LTE 800 mobile radio standard. For the uplink, the frequency band is defined from 832 MHz - 962 MHz and for the downlink from 791 MHz - 821 MHz. This frequency band is used primarily in Europe, especially in Germany, France and Portugal.

Frequency ranges:
  • 791–821 MHz (downlink in the E-UTRA 20 frequency band)
  • 832–862 MHz (uplink in the E-UTRA 20 frequency band)
Type of field:

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
power density 39 µW/m² (measured) - in rural areas of Sweden; measurement results comprise both up- and downlink [1]
power density 1,300 µW/m² (measured) - in the capital city of Sweden (Stockholm); measurements comprise both up- and downlink [1]
power density 270 µW/m² (measured) - in urban areas of Sweden; measurements comprise both up- and downlink [1]


  1. Estenberg J et al. (2014): Extensive frequency selective measurements of radiofrequency fields in outdoor environments performed with a novel mobile monitoring system