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Can opener

Belongs to:
Kitchenware and household appliances
Tin opener

A can opener is an electrically driven device for opening cans. The alternating electric and magnetic fields at the fundamental frequency of 50 Hz resp. 60 Hz are caused by the operation of the motor for the movement of the knife.

Frequency ranges:
  • 50–60 Hz
Type of field:
electric and magnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
magnetic flux density 0.2 µT (mean, measured) - average value of 3 can openers at a distance of 1 m; measurement bandwidth: 40 - 800 Hz [1]
magnetic flux density 0.3–3 µT (measured) - at a distance of 60.96 cm [2]
magnetic flux density 0.4 µT (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 1.22 m [2]
magnetic flux density 0.4 µT (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 80 cm [3]
magnetic flux density 0.8 µT (maximum, calculated) - at a distance of 1 m [4]
magnetic flux density 1.33 µT (mean, measured) - average value of 3 can openers at a distance of 50 cm; measurement bandwidth: 40 - 800 Hz [1]
magnetic flux density 2 µT (mean, measured) - at a distance of 60.96 cm [2]
magnetic flux density 3.18 µT (maximum) - at a distance of 56 cm [5]
magnetic flux density 4–30 µT (measured) - at a distance of 30.48 cm [2]
magnetic flux density 15 µT (mean, measured) - at a distance of 30.48 cm [2]
magnetic flux density 20 µT (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 40 cm [3]
magnetic flux density 50–150 µT (measured) - at a distance of 15.24 cm [2]
magnetic flux density 50 µT (maximum, calculated) - at a distance of 50 cm [4]
magnetic flux density 60 µT (mean, measured) - at a distance of 15.24 cm [2]
magnetic flux density 60.55654 µT (mean, calculated) - spatially averaged value at distances from 3 - 30 cm [4]
magnetic flux density 145.7 µT (mean, measured) - average value of 3 can openers at a distance of 5 cm; measurement bandwidth: 40 - 800 Hz [1]
magnetic flux density 199 µT (maximum, measured) - at the surface of the device at 50 Hz [6]
magnetic flux density 200 µT (maximum, measured) - in front of the device [3]
magnetic flux density 600 µT (measured) - at a distance of 10 cm [7]
magnetic flux density 900 µT (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 10 cm [4]
magnetic flux density 2 mT (measured) - at a distance of 1 cm [7]
magnetic flux density 4,000 µT (maximum, measured) - at a distance of 3 cm [4]


  1. Preece AW et al. (1997): Magnetic fields from domestic appliances in the UK
  2. No authors listed (1992): EMF in your Environment: Magnetic Field Measurements of Everyday Electrical Devices
  3. Farag AS et al. (1998): Electromagnetic fields in the home
  4. Mader DL et al. (1992): Residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields from appliances
  5. National Research Council (NRC) (1997): Possible health effects of exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields
  6. Leitgeb N et al. (2008): Magnetic emission ranking of electrical appliances. A comprehensive market survey
  7. Bennett WR (1994): Cancer and Power Lines