Literature search results
6744 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
Mobilfunk, Mobilkommunikation, "mobile communication", "cellular radio", "mobile radio", セルラー無線, 移動無線
Thomas BN, Flowers D, Caswell J, Robbe IJ
Epidemiology 16 (3): 415-416
Tarone RE, Inskip PD
Epidemiology 16 (3): 414
Ozguner M, Koyu A, Cesur G, Ural M, Ozguner F, Gokcimen A, Delibas N
Saudi Med J 26 (3): 405-410
Nurs Manage 36 (4): 68, 71
Wiedemann PM, Schütz H
Environ Health Perspect 113 (4): 402-405
Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft 18 (1): 35-40
Janssen T, Böge P, von Mikusch-Buchberg J, Raczek J
J Acoust Soc Am 117 (3) Pt 1: 1241-1247
Environ Health Perspect 113 (3): A151
Eur J Cancer Prev 14 (2): 81-82
Feychting M, Ahlbom A, Kheifets L
EMF and health
Annu Rev Public Health 26: 165-189