Literature search results
6761 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
Mobilfunk, Mobilkommunikation, "mobile communication", "cellular radio", "mobile radio", セルラー無線, 移動無線
2022 ,
Lee J, Lee AK, Hong SE, Choi HD, Jung KY
J Electromagn Eng Sci 22 (1): 41-47
2022 ,
Ustunova S, Kilic A, Bulut H, Gurel-Gurevin E, Eris AH, Meral I
Toxicol Environ Chem 104 (1): 176-193
2022 ,
Bayatli E, Tetik B, Buyuktepe M, Tokdemir N, Guner YE, Guney Y, Ugur HC
Turk J Oncol 37 (2): 105–14
2022 ,
Boussad Y, Chen XL, Legout A, Chaintreau A, Dabbous W
Environ Int 162: 107144
2022 ,
Yin XX, Baghai-wadji A, Zhang Y
IEEE Sens J 22 (10): 9215-9227
2022 ,
Cuji J, Mendoza L, Brito G, Gordón C
Chauvin MIA, Botto-Tobar T, Díaz Cadena A, Montes León S (eds.): Sustainability, Energy and City. CSECity 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, volume 379; Springer, Cham; pp. 81-91; ISBN 978-3-030-94261-8
2022 ,
Karpat E, Bakcan MR
Teh Vjesn 29 (2): 449-455
2022 ,
Cvetkovic M, Poljak D, Kapetanovic AL, Dodig H
J Commun Softw Syst 18 (1): 42-53
2022 ,
Chambers P, Brown TWC
IEEE Access 10: 32301-32314
2022 ,
Aerts S, Vermeeren G, Van Den Bossche M, Aminzadeh R, Verloock L, Thielens A, Leroux P, Bergs J, Braem B, Philippron A, Martens L, Joseph W
Sensors 22 (5): 1715