Literature search results
5314 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
Mittelwert, "arithmetischer Mittelwert", Mittel, "arithmetic mean", "mean value", mean, 算術平均, 平均値, 平均
Celaya-Echarri M, Azpilicueta L, Rodríguez-Corbo FA, Lopez-Iturri P, Shubair RM, Ramos V, Falcone F
IEEE Access 10: 78860-78874
Fernández M, Peña I, Gil U, Jurado U, Guerra D
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), Bilbao, Spain. IEEE: pp. 1-6; ISBN 978-1-6654-6902-9
Zeltser Y, Zeltser I, Peretz MM
2022 IEEE 23rd Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Tel Aviv, Israel. IEEE: pp. 1-7; ISBN 978-1-6654-1082-3
Deng S, Dong Z, Pan L, Liu Y, Ye Z, Qin L, Liu Q, Qin C
Brain Behav 12 (8): e2697
Saleeb DA, Helmy RM, Areed NFF, Marey M, Almustafa KM, Elkorany AS
IEEE Access 10: 78102-78113
Gallucci S, Bonato M, Benini M, Chiaramello E, Fiocchi S, Tognola G, Parazzini M
2022 Microwave Mediterranean Symposium (MMS), Pizzo Calabro, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-6654-7111-4
Apakuppakul S, Methachittiphan N, Apiyasawat S
J Arrhythm 38 (5): 778-782
J Prev Alzheimers Dis 9 (3): 410-424
Hooyman A, Garbin A, Fisher BE, Kutch JJ, Winstein CJ
Neurosci Lett 784: 136753
Royer R, Harders W, Moore LR, Androjna C, Midura M, Kligman B, Midura RJ, Zhang N, Waldorff EI, Ryaby JT, Zborowski M
IEEE Trans Magn 58 (7): 5000209