2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
Wang Q, Du X, Bauer T, Baerhold M, Plettemeier D
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
IEC/IEEE 62704-4:2020: 1-104, ISBN 978-2-8-3228535-0
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
Pérez-Nicoli P, Sivolella M, Gammarano N, Silveira F
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
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