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2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF), Dresden, Germany. IEEE: pp. 199-203; ISBN 978-1-7281-3628-8
Yamanaka D, Takahashi M
2019 Wireless Days (WD), Manchester, UK. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-0118-7
Raj AB, Nesasudha M
2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC), Coimbatore, India. IEEE: pp. 193-197; ISBN 978-1-7281-1850-5
Iqbal A, Basir A, Smida A, Mallat NK, Elfergani I, Rodriguez J, Kim S
IEEE Access 7: 111135-111144
Wang YY, Ban YL, Nie Z, Sim CYD
IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag Lett 18 (9): 1818-1822
Giman FN, Jack Soh P, Al-Hadi AA, Jamlos MF, Lago H, Schreurs D, Abdul Rahim SK, Beyer A
2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Miami, FL, USA. IEEE: pp. 1-2; ISBN 978-1-7281-1518-4
Kissi C, Särestöniemi M, Kumpuniemi T, Sonkki M, Myllymäki S, Srifi MN, Pomalaza-Raez C
IEEE Access 7: 149026-149038
Sayem ASM, Simorangkir RBVB, Esselle KP, Hashmi RM
IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 67 (12): 7216-7224
El Bacha M, Sarkis R
2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring), Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 628-636; ISBN 978-1-7281-3404-8
Singh T, Singh S, Singh M, Kaur R
2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad, India. IEEE: pp. 1-6; ISBN 978-1-7281-1773-7