Literature search results
2942 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
Arzneimittel, Medikament, Pharmaka, pharmaceutical, medicament, drug, 薬剤の, 薬剤
Sun P, Li Q, Li H, Di L, Su X, Chen J, Zheng H, Chen Y, Zhou C, Chai X
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 27 (5): 905-915
Dresler M, Sandberg A, Bublitz C, Ohla K, Trenado C, Mroczko-Wąsowicz A, Kühn S, Repantis D
ACS Chem Neurosci 10 (3): 1137-1148
Rodríguez-de la Fuente AO, Gomez-Flores R, Heredia-Rojas JA, García-Muñoz EM, Vargasvillarreal J, Hernández-García ME, Gonzálezsalazar F, Garza-González JN, Beltcheva M, Heredia-Rodríguez O
Iran J Parasitol 14 (4): 652-656
Hossain S, Young B, Bhalla A, Guo R
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR), Houston, TX, USA. IEEE: D2-1-1-D2-1-6; ISBN 978-1-7281-4900-4
He GL, Luo Z, Shen TT, Wang ZZ, Li P, Luo X, Yang J, Tan YL, Wang Y, Gao P, Yang XS
Front Cell Neurosci 13: 591
J Drugs Dermatol 18 (11): 1088
Han D, Kang SH, Cho Y, Oh IY
Korean J Intern Med 34 (1): 99-107
Zandvakili A, Berlow YA, Carpenter LL, Philip NS
Focus 17 (1): 44-49
Hoss E, Kollipara R, Fabi S
Skinmed 17 (6): 396-398
Bolzoni F, Esposti R, Jankowska E, Hammar I
Neuroscience 404: 119-129