Literature search results
2942 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
Arzneimittel, Medikament, Pharmaka, pharmaceutical, medicament, drug, 薬剤の, 薬剤
Winkle RA, Mohanty S, Patrawala RA, Mead RH, Kong MH, Engel G, Salcedo J, Trivedi CG, Gianni C, Jais P, Natale A, Day JD
Heart Rhythm 16 (2): 165-169
Kuffer L, Steven D, van den Bruck JH, Plenge T, Lüker J, Doerner J, Sultan A
J Magn Reson Imaging 50 (1): 334-335
Halker Singh RB, Ailani J, Robbins MS
Headache 59 Suppl 2: 33-49
Thibaut A, Schiff N, Giacino J, Laureys S, Gosseries O
Lancet Neurol 18 (6): 600-614
Radio Science Bulletin 2019 (371): 87-89
J Drugs Dermatol 18 (12): 1268-1272
Lebois LAM, Seligowski AV, Wolff JD, Hill SB, Ressler KJ
Annu Rev Clin Psychol 15: 257-284
Gutiérrez CCL, Ruiz VCA, Brayan BV
[2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC)], Ixtapa, Mexico. IEEE: pp. 1-7; ISBN 978-1-7281-2899-3
Delfino JG, Krainak DM, Flesher SA, Miller DL
Med Phys 46 (12): 5562-5571
Guigni BA, Fix DK, Bivona 3rd JJ, Palmer BM, Carson JA, Toth MJ
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 317 (6): C1213-C1228