Literature search results
1136 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
経皮電気神経刺激, "Transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation", "Transkutane Nervenstimulation", TENS, "transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation", "transcutaneous nerve stimulation", 経皮神経刺激
Phys Med Biol 45 (8): 2363-2372
2000 ,
Kotnik T, Miklavcic D
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 47 (8): 1074-1081
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Brehmer M, Hilliges M, Kinn AC
Scand J Urol Nephrol 34 (1): 42-45
2000 ,
Marcus M, McChesney R, Golden A, Landrigan P
J Am Med Womens Assoc 55 (2): 84-8, 105
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Hietanen M, Kovala T, Hämäläinen AM
Scand J Work Environ Health 26 (2): 87-92
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Kavet R, Zaffanella LE, Daigle JP, Ebi KL
Bioelectromagnetics 21 (7): 538-553
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Sub-comrnittee on power frequency fields of COMAR
IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag 19 (1): 131-137
2000 ,
Hurt WD, Ziriax JM, Mason PA
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 47 (3): 396-401
2000 ,
Levin O, Mizrahi J, Isakov E
J Electromyogr Kinesiol 10 (1): 47-58
1999 ,
Shimizu H, Tsuda T, Shiga Y, Miyazawa K, Onodera Y, Matsuzaki M, Nakashima I, Furukawa K, Aoki M, Kato H, Yamazaki T, Itoyama Y
Tohoku J Exp Med 189 (3): 203-211