Literature search results
3317 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
磁気共鳴画像法, Kernspinresonanztomographie, Magnetresonanztomographie, Kernspintomographie, MRI, MRT, NMR, "magnetic resonance imaging"
2022 ,
Chen W, Sui J, Wang C
IEEE Access 10: 88398-88420
2022 ,
Salvador E, Kessler AF, Domröse D, Hörmann J, Schaeffer C, Giniunaite A, Burek M, Tempel-Brami C, Voloshin T, Volodin A, Zeidan A, Giladi M, Ernestus RI, Löhr M, Förster CY, Hagemann C
Biomolecules 12 (10): 1348
2022 ,
Lodi MB, Curreli N, Zappia S, Pilia L, Casula MF, Fiorito M, Catapano I, Desogus F, Pellegrino T, Kriegel I, Crocco L, Mazzarella G, Fanti A
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 69 (6): 2029-2040
2022 ,
Lu M, Sengupta S, Gore JC, Grissom WA, Yan X
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 69 (10): 3243-3252
2022 ,
Akter MK, Guo R, Islam MZ, Zheng J, Chen J
2022 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), Waco, TX, USA. IEEE: pp. 1-5; ISBN 978-1-6654-8610-1
2022 ,
Yu H, Du B, Guo L, Xu G
IEEE Trans Magn 58 (2): 1-4, article ID 5800304
2022 ,
Kim HS, Song BP, Kim R, Choi WC, Kim D, Shim WM, Kim KN, Lee SK
IEEE Access 10: 42097-42107
2022 ,
Sharma KK, Bindle A, Reshma
2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Power Technology (IC3P), Visakhapatnam, India. IEEE: pp. 172-175; ISBN 978-1-6654-2526-1
2022 ,
Aristi G, Kamintsky L, Ross M, Bowen C, Calkin C, Friedman A, Hashmi JA
Brain Commun 4 (2): fcac053
2022 ,
Zumbo S, Isernia T, Bevacqua MT
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3: 917-931