Literature search results
3419 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
磁気共鳴画像法, Kernspinresonanztomographie, Magnetresonanztomographie, Kernspintomographie, MRI, MRT, NMR, "magnetic resonance imaging"
1987 ,
Prato FS, Ossenkopp KP, Kavaliers M, Sestini E, Teskey GC
Magn Reson Imaging 5 (1): 9-14
1986 ,
Hassler M, Le Bas JF, Wolf JE, Contamin C, Waksmann B, Coulomb M
J Radiol 67 (10): 661-666
1986 ,
Tenforde TS, Budinger TF
NMR in medicine: Instrumentation and clinical applications . American Institute of Physics: pp. 493-548; ISBN 978-0-88318-497-4
1986 ,
Erlebacher JA, Cahill PT, Pannizzo F, Knowles RJ
Am J Cardiol 57 (6): 437-440
1986 ,
Vogl T, Lissner J, Seiderer M, Krimmel K, Sandner H
Rofo 144 (5): 591-596
1986 ,
Sacks E, Worgul BV, Merriam Jr GR, Hilal S
Arch Ophthalmol 104 (6): 890-893
1986 ,
Gorczynska E, Galka G, Wegrzynowicz R, Mikosza H
Physiol Chem Phys Med NMR 18 (1): 61-69
1986 ,
Shellock FG, Gordon CJ, Schaefer DJ
Acta Radiol Suppl 369: 512-513
1986 ,
Shellock FG, Schaefer DJ, Gordon CJ
Magn Reson Med 3 (4): 644-647
Clin Phys Physiol Meas 7 (2): 157-160