Literature search results
1817 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
基地局, "Base Transceiver Station", "Sendemast für Mobilfunk", Mobilfunkbasisstation, Mobilfunkantenne, Mobilfunkmast, Basisstation, BTS, "mobile phone relay station", "base station", 携帯電話中継局
2017 ,
Raghu N, Murthy NK, Nagendra K, Trupti VN
Satapathy SC, Prasad VK, Rani BP, Udgata SK, Raju KS (eds.): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, volume 507; Springer, Singapore; pp. 625-636; ISBN 978-981-10-2470-2
2017 ,
Hila AS, Ferencz Z, Dimen L, Borsan T
J Environ Prot Ecol 18 (1): 93-101
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
IEC 62232:2017: 1-516, ISBN 978-2-8-3226302-0
International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
ITU-T Recommendations K-Series, K.113 (2015) Err. 1 (10/2017)
2017 ,
Schmidt PL, Grünwald W, Magana ME, Felhauer T
Wirel Pers Commun 97 (1): 19-39
2017 ,
Basandrai D, Dhami AK, Bedi RK, Khan SA
Srivastava AK, Arora G, Dosanjh HS (eds.): Recent Advances in Fundamental and Applied Sciences: RAFAS2016. AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1860; AIP Publishing, Melville, NY; p. 020010; ISBN 978-0-7354-1534-8
2017 ,
Dianah ARSN, Hazmin SN, Umar R, Kamarudin MKA, Dagang AN
J Fund App Sci 9 (2S): 182-198
2017 ,
Pascuzzi S, Santoro F
16th International Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development. Latvian University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia: pp. 748-755
Contemp South Asia 25 (2): 196-211
2017 ,
Parsanezhad ME, Mortazavi SMJ, Doohandeh T, Jahromi BN, Mozdarani H, Zarei A, Davari M, Amjadi S, Soleimani A, Haghani M
Int J Radiat Res 15 (1): 63-70