Literature search results
1804 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
基地局, "Base Transceiver Station", "Sendemast für Mobilfunk", Mobilfunkbasisstation, Mobilfunkantenne, Mobilfunkmast, Basisstation, BTS, "mobile phone relay station", "base station", 携帯電話中継局
Kavitha T, Kumar MS, Srihari G, Umasankar L, Babu NV
Phys Commun 57: 102004
Mizukoshi A, Hojo S, Azuma K, Mizuki M, Miyata M, Ogura H, Sakabe K, Tsurikisawa N, Oshikata C, Okumura J
Environ Sci Eur 35: 32
Jayaraju N, Pramod Kumar M, Sreenivasulu G, Lakshmi Prasad T, Lakshmanna B, Nagalaksmi K, Madakka M
Sustain Technol Entrep 2 (2): 100031
Kadhim LH, Mohammed MT, Al-Fartusie FS, Almohammadawi K
Egypt J Chem 66 (4): 115-121
Sakraoui D, Ziane N, Ghalem R, Boukheroufa M, Habbachi W
Biosyst Divers 31 (4): 493-498
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS),
Ressortforschungsberichte zum Strahlenschutz, BfS-RESFOR-215/23: 1-356
2023 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), Balaclava, Mauritius. IEEE: pp. 1-2; ISBN 9798350347920
Alvarez-Ortiz FA, Azorin-Nieto J, Soto-Sumuano JL, Esquivel-Herrera A
Rev Acad Colomb Cienc Exactas Fis Nat 47 (182): 141-150
Elbasheir MS, Saeed RA, Edam S, Khalifa O, Odeh N, Ahmed ZE
2023 IEEE Third International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC), Hammamet, Tunisia. IEEE: pp. 1-6; ISBN 9798350326406
Vignesh SJ, Natarajamani S
2023 International Conference on Microwave, Optical, and Communication Engineering (ICMOCE), Bhubaneswar, India. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 9798350321616