Literature search results
1794 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
基地局, "Base Transceiver Station", "Sendemast für Mobilfunk", Mobilfunkbasisstation, Mobilfunkantenne, Mobilfunkmast, Basisstation, BTS, "mobile phone relay station", "base station", 携帯電話中継局
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB),
Reihe Umweltpolitik, BMU – 2007-709: 1-127
Ruddat M, Sautter A, Renn O
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU),
Reihe Umweltpolitik, BMU – 2007-704: 1-219
Bornkessel C, Schubert M, Wuschek M, Schmidt P
Radiat Prot Dosimetry 124 (1): 40-47
Med Pr Work Health Saf 58 (2): 161-168
Neitzke HP, Osterhoff J, Peklo K, Voigt H
Radiat Prot Dosimetry 124 (1): 35-39
Otto M, von Mühlendahl KE
Int J Hyg Environ Health 210 (5): 635-644
Health Council of the Netherlands
The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands,
publication no. 2007/06: 1-98
Saudi Med J 28 (8): 1283-1286
Eltiti S, Wallace D, Ridgewell A, Zougkou K, Russo R, Sepulveda F, Mirshekar-Syahkal D, Rasor P, Deeble R, Fox E
Environ Health Perspect 115 (11): 1603-1608
Med Pr Work Health Saf 58 (1): 27-36