Literature search results
6082 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
セルラー電話, Mobiltelefon, "Smart Phones", "Smart Phone", Smartphone, Handy, "cellular telephone", "cellular phone", "mobile phone", "cell phone", 携帯電話
Adiguzel O, Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Erdogan S, Kaya S, Yavuz I, Kaya FA
Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip 22 (4): 998-1001
Schmid G, Überbacher R, Preiner P, Samaras T, Mazal P, Jappel A, Baumgartner WD, Tschabitscher M
ARC-IT-0174: 1-124
Zhu Y, Gao F, Yang X, Shen H, Liu W
Prog Electromagn Res 82: 287-298
Aghdam Shahryar H, Lotfi AR, Bahojb M, Karami AR
International Journal of Zoological Research 4 (4): 230-233
Khavanin A, Zaroushani V, Mortazavi SB, Rezaei A, Mirzaei R
Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences 14 (4): 238-245
Agarwal A, Desai NR, Ruffoli R, Carpi A
Biomed Pharmacother 62 (8): 550-553
See CH, Abd-Alhameed A, Excell PS, Zhou D
PIERS Online 4 (1): 6-10
Zygiridis TT, Tsiboukis TD
Progr Electromagn Res B (PIER B) 9: 83-96
Dasdag S, Bilgin HM, Akdag MZ, Celik H, Aksen F
Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip 22 (4): 992-997
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS),
Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Strahlenschutz und Gesundheit, BfS-SG-10/08: 1-88, ISBN 978-3-86509-849-8