Literature search results
6071 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
セルラー電話, Mobiltelefon, "Smart Phones", "Smart Phone", Smartphone, Handy, "cellular telephone", "cellular phone", "mobile phone", "cell phone", 携帯電話
2018 ,
Wyde ME, Horn TL, Capstick MH, Ladbury JM, Koepke G, Wilson PF, Kissling GE, Stout MD, Kuster N, Melnick RL, Gauger J, Bucher JR, McCormick DL
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Environ Res 165: 496-503
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Int J Radiat Biol 94 (10): 883-889
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM),
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2018 ,
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Int J Hyg Environ Health 221 (3): 586-592
2018 ,
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Int J Hyg Environ Health 221 (6): 990-992
2018 ,
Lasalvia M, Scrima R, Perna G, Piccoli C, Capitanio N, Biagi PF, Schiavulli L, Ligonzo T, Centra M, Casamassima G, Ermini A, Capozzi V
PLoS One 13 (2): e0192894