Antal A, Luber B, Brem AK, Bikson M, Brunoni AR, Cohen Kadosh R, Dubljević V, Fecteau S, Ferreri F, Flöel A, Hallett M, Hamilton RH, Herrmann CS, Lavidor M, Loo C, Lustenberger C, Machado S, Miniussi C, Moliadze V, Nitsche MA, Rossi S, Rossini PM, Santarnecchi E, Seeck M, Thut G, Turi Z, Ugawa Y, Venkatasubramanian G, Wenderoth N, Wexler A, Ziemann U, Paulus W
2021 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Tel Aviv, Israel. IEEE: pp. 216-218; ISBN 978-1-6654-1147-9
Oyedele A, Ajayi A, Oyedele LO, Delgado JMD, Akanbi L, Akinade O, Owolabi H, Bilal M
2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Rome, Italy. IEEE: pp. 1-6; ISBN 978-1-6654-2995-5
Birks LE, van Wel L, Liorni I, Pierotti L, Guxens M, Huss A, Foerster M, Capstick M, Eeftens M, El Marroun H, Estarlich M, Gallastegi M, Safont LG, Joseph W, Santa-Marina L, Thielens A, Torrent M, Vrijkotte T, Wiart J, Röösli M, Cardis E, Vermeulen R, Vrijheid M