Literature search results
2723 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"power transmission line", Hochspannungsfreileitung, Hochspannungsleitung, "high-voltage line", "transmission line", "power line", HVOTL, 高電圧線, 送電線, 電力線
Geng D, Xu G, Zhang X, Xing L, Guo H, Yan W, Wang Y
IEEE Trans Magn 45 (10): 4853-4856
German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE (DKE),
DIN VDE 0105-100 VDE 0105-100:2009-10
Mojica EK, Watts BD, Paul JT, Voss ST, Pottie J
J Raptor Res 43 (1): 57-61
Ahmed Y, Rowland SM
J Occup Environ Hyg 6 (8): 475-482
Cieslar GJ, Mrowiec J, Sowa P, Kasperczyk S, Sieron A
PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia. The Electromagnetics Academy: pp. 1097-1101; ISBN 978-1-934142-10-3
Cieslar GJ, Fiolka J, Mrowiec J, Sowa P, Kasperczyk S, Birkner E, Sieron A
PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia. The Electromagnetics Academy: pp. 1092-1096; ISBN 978-1-934142-10-3
Health Council of the Netherlands
The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands,
publication no. 2009/02: 1-124
Pelissari DM, Barbieri FE, Wünsch-Filho V
Cad Saude Publica 25: S441-S452
Hug K, Rapp R, Taschner N
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN),
Umwelt-Wissen Nr. 0934: 1-118
Celikler S, Aydemir N, Vatan O, Kurtuldu S, Bilaloglu R
Int J Environ Health Res 19 (6): 421-430