Literature search results
2723 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"power transmission line", Hochspannungsfreileitung, Hochspannungsleitung, "high-voltage line", "transmission line", "power line", HVOTL, 高電圧線, 送電線, 電力線
2010 ,
Wiedemann PM, Löchtefeld S, Claus F, Marksthaler S, Peters I
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS),
Ressortforschungsberichte zur kerntechnischen Sicherheit und zum Strahlenschutz, BfS-RESFOR-33/10: 1-138
2010 ,
Ling X, Jayaratne R, Morawska L
Atmos Environ 44 (18): 2186-2193
2010 ,
J-Fatokun F, Jayaratne R, Morawska L, Birtwhistle D, Rachman R, Mengersen K
Environ Sci Technol 44 (1): 526-531
2010 ,
Farooq U, Ahmed I, Maryum A
Electric burn injuries
[elec. inj.]
Rawal Med J 35 (2): 137-140
2010 ,
Dezelak K, Stumberger G, Jakl F
International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (ICREPQ), 2010. ICREPQ: p. 342; ISBN 978-84-613-7543-1
J Risk Res 13 (5): 621-637
J Agromedicine 15 (4): 412-426
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 16 (2): 139-143
2010 ,
Lipovy B, Rihova H, Kaloudova Y, Suchanek I, Gregorova N, Hokynkova A, Jelinkova Z, Agalarev V
Acta Chir Plast 52 (2-4): 61-64
J Burn Care Res 31 (1): 215