The following terms were included:
"electromagnetic field", "Elektromagnetisches Feld", EMF, 電磁界
De Miguel-Bilbao S, Karpowicz J, Febles V, Hernandez JA, Suarez S, Ramos V, Leszko W, Gryz K
2017 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), Sinaia, Romania. IEEE: pp. 603-606; ISBN 978-1-5386-1514-0
Pratt H, Andrews C, Panescu D, Lake B
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju, Korea (South). IEEE: pp. 3712-3718; ISBN 978-1-5090-2810-8
Koziorowska A, Romerowicz-Misielak M, Gierczak N, Gniady S, Koziorowski M
IEEE EUROCON 2017 -17th International Conference on Smart Technologies, Ohrid, Macedonia. IEEE: pp. 537-541; ISBN 978-1-5090-3844-2
Ishak NIA, Seman N, Kamarudin MR, Samsuri NA
2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Phuket, Thailand. IEEE: pp. 1-2; ISBN 978-1-5386-0466-3
Zvezdina MY, Shokova YA, Krivtsova MG, Golovko TM, Cherskaya AA
2017 Radiation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves (RSEMW), Divnomorskoe, Russia. IEEE: pp. 73-76; ISBN 978-1-5386-2783-9
Kuznetsov K, Zakirova A, Averyanov U
2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM), St. Petersburg, Russia. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-5090-5649-1
Etem T, Pala Z, Bozkurt I
2017 XIIIth International Conference on Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design (MEMSTECH), Lviv, Ukraine. IEEE: pp. 129-131; ISBN 978-1-5386-4002-9
Griguer H, Tentzeris MM, Nauroze A, Drissi M
2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Montreal. IEEE, Montreal, Canada: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-90-825987-0-4
Yavolovskaya E, Gabriadze G, Chiqovani G, Jobava R
2017 XXIInd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Dnipro. IEEE, Dnipro, Ukraine: pp. 183-186; ISBN 978-1-5090-0605-2
Kisel NN, Cheremisov VA, Kisel DV
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), St. Petersburg, Russia. IEEE: pp. 3433-3438; ISBN 978-1-5090-6270-6