Literature search results
13840 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"electric current", "elektrische Stromstärke", "Elektrischer Strom", Strom, current, 電流
Wilcke O, Broghammer H
Z Gesamte Exp Med 126 (6): 511–525
Jänicke W, Berthold M
Neuer Landbau 26: 6-13
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 75 (3): 1329-1331
Dalziel CF, Massoglia FP
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 75 (2): 49-56
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 75 (3): 12-15
IRE Trans Med Electron 5: 44-62
Br Med J 1 (4971): 852-855
Arch. Fisch. Wiss. 6: 350-361
Jpn J Physiol 5 (1): 75-80
ETZ-A 75 (H4): 97-105