Literature search results
6069 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"cellular telephone", Mobiltelefon, "Smart Phones", "Smart Phone", Smartphone, Handy, "cellular phone", "mobile phone", "cell phone", セルラー電話, 携帯電話
Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP),
2011 ,
Huss J, Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs
Council of Europe,
Doc. 12608: 1-12
2011 ,
Lagorio S, Vecchia P
Epidemiol Prev 35 (1): 3-5
2011 ,
de Vocht F, Burstyn I, Cherrie JW
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (8): 675-676
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (8): 673-674
2011 ,
Larjavaara S, Schüz J, Swerdlow A, Feychting M, Johansen C, Lagorio S, Tynes T, Klaeboe L, Tonjer SR, Blettner M, Berg-Beckhoff G, Schlehofer B, Schoemaker M, Britton J, Mäntylä R, Lönn S, Ahlbom A, Flodmark O, Lilja A, Martini S, Rastelli E, Vidiri A, Kähärä V, Raitanen J, Heinävaara S, Auvinen A
Am J Epidemiol 174 (1): 2-11
Int J Hyperthermia 27 (4): 353-373
2011 ,
Sagi OI, Sadetzki S
Harefuah 150 (3): 216-20, 306
2011 ,
Meo SA, Arif M, Rashied S, Khan MM, Vohra MS, Usmani AM, Imran MB, Al-Drees AM
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 21 (5): 262-265
2011 ,
Prochnow N, Gebing T, Ladage K, Krause-Finkeldey D, El Ouardi A, Bitz A, Streckert J, Hansen V, Dermietzel R
PLoS One 6 (5): e19437
2011 ,
Leung S, Croft RJ, McKenzie RJ, Iskra S, Silber B, Cooper NR, O'Neill B, Cropley V, Diaz-Trujillo A, Hamblin D, Simpson D
Clin Neurophysiol 122 (11): 2203-2216
2011 ,
Scientific Advisory Committee on Radio Frequencies and Health (CCARS)
Apidologie 42 (3): 270-279
2011 ,
Sannino A, Zeni O, Sarti M, Romeo S, Reddy SB, Belisario MA, Prihoda TJ, Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR
Int J Radiat Biol 87 (9): 993-999
2011 ,
Cammaerts MC, Debeir O, Cammaerts R
Electromagn Biol Med 30 (1): 57-66
2011 ,
Bolte JF, van der Zande G, Kamer J
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (8): 652-663
Oral Dis 17 (1): 124-
2011 ,
Agha-Hosseini F, Somayeh D
Oral Dis 17 (1): 123
2011 ,
Carballo-Quintas M, Martinez-Silva I, Cadarso-Suarez C, Alvarez-Figueiras M, Ares-Pena FJ, Lopez-Martin E
Neurotoxicology 32 (4): 478-494
2011 ,
Dragicevic N, Bradshaw PC, Mamcarz M, Lin X, Wang L, Cao C, Arendash GW
Neuroscience 185: 135-149
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (6): 510
2011 ,
Panda NK, Modi R, Munjal S, Virk RS
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 144 (4): 581-585
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (6): 509
2011 ,
Lagorio S, Vecchia P
Med Lav 102 (2): 144-162
Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 14 (7): 665-671