Literature search results
1144 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"Transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation", "Transkutane Nervenstimulation", TENS, "transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation", "transcutaneous nerve stimulation", 経皮電気神経刺激, 経皮神経刺激
2021 ,
Knotkova H, Hamani C, Sivanesan E, Le Beuffe MFE, Moon JY, Cohen SP, Huntoon MA
Lancet 397 (10289): 2111-2124
2021 ,
Voigt JD, Leuchter AF, Carpenter LL
Transl Psychiatry 11: 330
2021 ,
Oberacker E, Diesch C, Nadobny J, Kuehne A, Wust P, Ghadjar P, Niendorf T
Cancers 13 (8): 1867
2021 ,
Ghasemifard F, Xu B, Colombi D, Joshi P, Törnevik C
2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Dusseldorf, Germany. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-8845-4
2021 ,
Laskov O, Klírová M
Neurosci Lett 755: 135906
2021 ,
Hussain I, Young S, Kim CH, Benjamin HCM, Park SJ
Sensors 21 (5): 1896
2021 ,
Neculaes B, Garner AL, Klopman S, Morton CA, Torres AS
IEEE Access 9: 31340-31349
2021 ,
Kahl CK, Kirton A, Pringsheim T, Croarkin PE, Zewdie E, Swansburg R, Wrightson J, Langevin LM, MacMaster FP
Dev Med Child Neurol 63 (7): 808-815
2021 ,
Pridmore S, Turnier-Shea Y, Rybak M, Pridmore W
Australas Psychiatry 29 (2): 226-229
2021 ,
Alja’Afreh SS, Altarawneh B, Alshamaileh MH, Almajali ER, Hussain R, Sharawi MS, Lei X, Xu Q
IEEE Access 9: 33796-33810