The following terms were included:
"Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", IEEE, 米国電気電子学会
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (5): 467-473
Piontek GE, Cain CA, Milner JA
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 26 (8): 535-540
Ping-Kwong L, Cain CA, Ducoff HS
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 26 (8): 530-534
Brown PV, Lenox RH, Meyerhoff JL
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (2): 205-208
Robinson JE, Cheung AY, Samaras GM, McCulloch D
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 26 (8): 546-549
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 26 (3): 141-147
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 26 (8): 613-617
Cain CA, Rissmann WJ
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (3): 288-293
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (4): 397-400
Kaune WT, Phillips RD, Hjeresen DL, Richardson RL, Beamer JL
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (3): 276-283
Tucker RD, Schmitt OH
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (6): 509-518
Foster KR, Kritikos HN, Schwan HP
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 25 (3): 313-316
Poznaniak DT, Bankoske JW, Mathews HG
2nd Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 13-18; ISBN 9798331500191
2nd Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 495-498; ISBN 9798331500191
McKee GW, Knievel DP, Poznaniak DT, Bankoske JW
2nd Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 485-490; ISBN 9798331500191
d'Ambrosio G, La Manna V
2nd Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 477-482; ISBN 9798331500191
2nd Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 465-468; ISBN 9798331500191
Lin JC, Guy AW, Caldwell LR
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 25 (10): 833-836
Kantor G, Witters DM, Greiser JW
1977 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, San Diego, CA, USA. IEEE: pp. 364-368
Bigu-del-Blanco J, Bristow JM, Romero-Sierra C
Proc IEEE 65 (7): 1086-1089
Oliva SA, Catravas GN
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 25 (5): 433-436
Roy OZ, Park GC, Scott JR
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 24 (5): 430-435
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 25 (7): 605-613
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 25 (9): 746-756
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 25 (1): 742-746
Massoudi H, Durney CH, Johnson CC
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 25 (1): 41-46
IEEE Trans Instrum Meas 26 (1): 53-57
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 24 (3): 253-260
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 24 (5): 493-495
Magin RL, Lu ST, Michaelson SM
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME-24 (6): 522-529
Lin JC, Bassen HI, Wu CL
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 24 (1): 80-83
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 24 (5): 466-472
Tinney CE, Lords JL, Durney CH
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 24 (1): 18-24
Lenox RH, Ghandi OP, Meyerhoff JL, Grove HM
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 24 (1): 58-61
Guy AW, Webb MD, Sorensen CC
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 23 (5): 361-371
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 23 (5): 371-375
del Blanco JB, Romero-Sierra C, Tanner JA
1st Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 7-13; ISBN 9798331500184
1st Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 507-510; ISBN 9798331500184
Cory WE, Frederick CL
1st Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Montreux, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 469-474; ISBN 9798331500184
IEEE Spectr 12 (3): 34-39
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 23 (12): 1021-1029
Ho HS, Hagan GJ, Foster MR
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 23 (12): 1058-1061
Bronaugh EL, Kerns DR
1975 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, San Antonio, TX, USA. IEEE: 5BIIb1-5BIIb5; ISBN 978-1-5090-3161-0
Liu LM, Rosenbaum FJ, Pickard WF
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 23 (11): 929-931
Taflove A, Brodwin ME
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 23 (11): 888-896
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 22 (6): 464-467
Kramar PO, Emery AF, Guy AW, Lin JC
Ann N Y Acad Sci 247: 155-165
Guy AW, Lin JC, Kramar PO, Emery AF
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 23 (6): 492-498
Cunitz RJ, Galloway WD, Berman CM
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 23 (3): 313-316
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 22 (6): 468-476