Literature search results
2688 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"Elektromagnetische Strahlung", "elektromagnetische Wellen", "electromagnetic radiation", "electromagnetic waves", EMR, 電磁放射線, 電磁放射
2021 ,
Nadh BP, Madhav BTP
Ranjan P, Jhariya DK, Gupta M, Kumar K, Kumar P (eds.): Next-Generation Antennas: Advances and Challenges. Wiley and Scrivener Publishing; pp. 91-103; ISBN 978-1-119-79186-7
2021 ,
Skovierova H, Pavelek M, Okajcekova T, Palesova J, Strnadel J, Spanik P, Halasova E, Frivaldsky M
Appl Sci 11 (8): 3611
2021 ,
Sakaci FH, Cerezci O
J Electr Eng Technol 16 (5): 2701-2708
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Sirav B, Kuzay D, Delen K, Oruc S, Ozer C
Gazi Med J 32 (3): 397-402
2021 ,
Sultan KS, Mahmoud A, Abbosh AM
IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst 15 (3): 522-536
Saudi J Biol Sci 28 (10): 5585-5592
Sci Total Environ 767: 144913
2021 ,
Drobakhin OO, Magro VI, Koshamyi VV, Rutgaizer VH, Abdul-Ohly LV
Regul Mech Biosyst 12 (1): 136-144
2021 ,
Upadhyay S, Upadhya A, Salehi W, Gupta G
Mater Today Proc 45 Pt 6: 5243-5248
2021 ,
Shaheen W, Amer NM, Hafez SF, Nasser S, Ghobashi M, Morcos G, Helmy MA
Egypt J Chem 64 (7): 3903-3912