Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on static magnetic fields

2172 studies in total
  1. 954 studies
  2. 723 studies
  3. 450 studies
  4. 378 studies
  5. 342 studies
  6. 169 studies


954 studies in total
  1. 364 studies
  2. 258 studies
  3. 254 studies
  4. 162 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Vanni L et al. 2017 animal, dunlin (<i>Calidris alba</i>) and curlew sandpiper (<i>Calidris ferruginea</i>) geomagnetic field, co-exposure -
Pakhomov A et al. 2017 animal, garden warblers (<i>Sylvia borin</i>) magnetic field, intermediate frequency, geomagnetic field -
Chernetsov N et al. 2017 animal, reed warbler (<i>Acrocephalus scirpaceus</i>) static magnetic field -
Naisbett-Jones LC et al. 2017 animal, European eel (<i>Anguilla anguilla</i>) geomagnetic field -
Elbers D et al. 2017 animal, wheatear (<i>Oenanthe oenanthe</i>) static magnetic field -
Bulte M et al. 2017 - static magnetic field, geomagnetic field -
Lambinet V et al. 2017 invertebrate, honeybee geomagnetic field, static magnetic field -
Paul S et al. 2017 isolated bio./chem. substance, flavintryptophan dyad (F10T) static magnetic field, geomagnetic field -
Anderson JM et al. 2017 animal, sandbar shark (<i>Carcharhinus plumbeus</i>) geomagnetic field -
Cresci A et al. 2017 animal, European eel (<i>Anguilla anguilla</i>) geomagnetic field, static magnetic field -
Klimley AP et al. 2017 animal, Chinook salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>) and green sturgeon (<i>Acipenser medirostris</i>) geomagnetic field, static magnetic field, DC, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) -
Landler L et al. 2017 animal, snapping turtle (<i>Chelydra serpentina</i>) RF field, geomagnetic field, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF -
Pinzon-Rodriguez A et al. 2017 animal, zebra finches (<i>Taeniopygia guttata</i>) RF field, geomagnetic field, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF -
Diego-Rasilla FJ et al. 2017 animal, lacertid lizard (<i>Podarcis muralis</i>) and lacertid lizard (<i>Podarcis lilfordi</I>) geomagnetic field -
Xu J et al. 2017 invertebrate, armyworm (<i>Mythimna separata</i>) static magnetic field, geomagnetic field -
Cresci A et al. 2017 animal, zebrafish (<i>Danio rerio</i>) static magnetic field -
de Melo RD et al. 2017 <i>Candidatus</i> Magnetoglobus multicellularis RF field, magnetic field, static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, intermediate frequency, co-exposure -
Cerveny J et al. 2017 animal, warthog (<i>Phacochoerus africanus</i>) and wild boar (<i>Sus scrofa</i>), whole body geomagnetic field -
Rothsey SC et al. 2016 invertebrate, <i>Urohaustorius sp.</i> geomagnetic field, static magnetic field, DC, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure -
Muheim R et al. 2016 animal, zebra finch (<i>Taenopygia guttata</i>) RF field, static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, intermediate frequency, also other exposures without EMF -
Kattnig DR et al. 2016 isolated bio./chem. substance, different solutions of flavin mononucleotide and cryptochrome static magnetic field, signals/pulses -
Wiltschko R et al. 2016 animal, European robins (<i>Erithacus rubecula</i>) static magnetic field, signals/pulses, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF -
Schwarze S et al. 2016 animal, Eurasian blackcaps (<i>Sylvia atricapilla</i>) geomagnetic field, static magnetic field, DC -
Schiffner I et al. 2016 animal, pigeon geomagnetic field -
Ilieva M et al. 2016 animal, dunnock (<i>Prunella modularis</i>), whole body static magnetic field, geomagnetic field 46.2–53.8 µT
Liang CH et al. 2016 invertebrate, honeybee static magnetic field 65 µT
Wu CL et al. 2016 invertebrate, fruit fly (<i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>) (different strains, partially without the cryptochrome gene) static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, co-exposure 2–4 mT
Schwarze S et al. 2016 animal, European robins (<i>Erithacus rubecula</i>) magnetic field, static magnetic field, intermediate frequency, 50/60 Hz 48 nT–48.6 µT
Ernst DA et al. 2016 invertebrate, Caribbean spiny lobster (<i>Panulirus argus</i>) magnetic field, geomagnetic field, signals/pulses 85 mT
Tomanova K et al. 2016 invertebrate, amphipod <i>Gondogeneia antarctica</i>, whole body magnetic field, static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, intermediate frequency 20 nT–35 µT
Sjoberg S et al. 2016 animal, garden warblers (<i>Sylvia borin</i>) geomagnetic field -
Bertea CM et al. 2015 plant, <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> static magnetic field, geomagnetic field -
Acosta-Avalos D et al. 2015 fire ant (<i>Solenopsis</i> sp.) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, static magnetic field, co-exposure -
Pereira-Bomfim MGC et al. 2015 invertebrate, paper wasp (<i>Polybia paulista</i>) static magnetic field, geomagnetic field -
Tian LX et al. 2015 animal, Chinese noctule (<i>Nyctalus plancyi</i>) geomagnetic field, DC, static magnetic field -
Lefeldt N et al. 2015 animal, Eurasian blackcaps (<i>Sylvia atricapilla</i>) geomagnetic field -
Diego-Rasilla FJ et al. 2015 animal, Palmate newt (<i>Lissotriton helveticus</i>)/larvae static magnetic field, DC -
Hagstrum JT et al. 2015 animal, pigeon geomagnetic field, static magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF -
Lindecke O et al. 2015 animal, Nathusius’ bats (<i>Pipistrellus nathusii</i>) geomagnetic field, also other exposures without EMF -
Kishkinev D et al. 2015 - geomagnetic field, static magnetic field -
Alert B et al. 2015 animal, European robins (<i>Erithacus rubecula</i>), whole body static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, co-exposure 48.88 µT
Vidal-Gadea A et al. 2015 invertebrate, <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> (nematode; different (transgenic) strains) static magnetic field, geomagnetic field -
Landler L et al. 2015 animal, snapping turtle (<i>Chelydra serpentina</i>), whole body magnetic field, static magnetic field 30 nT–51.24 µT
Malkemper EP et al. 2015 animal, wood mouse (<i>Apodemus sylvaticus</i>), whole body static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, intermediate frequency 25 nT–49.2 µT
Wiltschko R et al. 2015 animal, European robins (<i>Erithacus rubecula</i>) and chicken geomagnetic field, intermediate frequency, magnetic field 15–480 nT
Esquivel DM et al. 2014 invertebrate, Stingless bee (<i>Tetragonisca angustula</i>) geomagnetic field, static magnetic field -
Lefeldt N et al. 2014 animal, homing pigeon (<i>Columba livia</i>) static magnetic field, DC, shielding/field deprivation -
Wiltschko R et al. 2014 animal, European robin (<i>Erithacus rubecula</i>) and Australian silvereye (<i>Zosterops lateralis</i>) static magnetic field, geomagnetic field, intermediate frequency, co-exposure -
Schiffner I et al. 2014 animal, homing pigeon geomagnetic field, also other exposures without EMF -
Åkesson S et al. 2014 animal, dunnock (<i>Prunella modularis</i>), sedge warbler (<i>Acrocephalus schoenobaenus</i>) and European robin (<i>Erithacus rubecula</i>) geomagnetic field, static magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure -