Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on magnetic power frequency fields (50/60 Hz)

2061 studies in total
  1. 769 studies
  2. 641 studies
  3. 519 studies
  4. 416 studies
  5. 331 studies
  6. 210 studies


416 studies in total
  1. 251 studies
  2. 99 studies
  3. 83 studies
  4. 7 studies

Others (general) 251 studies in total

Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Lopucki M et al. 2004 isolated organ, human placenta magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 2–5 mT
Ghione S et al. 2005 human, partial body: head magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 40–80 µT
Pica F et al. 2006 intact cell/cell culture, BCBL-1 (a latently infected primary effusion lymphoma-derived cell line) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 mT
Grimaldi S et al. 1997 intact cell/cell culture, Akata cell line (human lymphoid cells) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 2 mT
Jeong JH et al. 2006 animal, mouse/ICR, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 2 mT
Stefl B et al. 2006 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 10 mT
Legros A et al. 2006 human, partial body: head magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 mT
Legros A et al. 2006 human, partial body: head magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 mT
Fojt L et al. 2007 bacterium, <i>Paracoccus denitrificans</i>/CCM 982 magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 10 mT
Greenbaum MP 1994 bacterium, <i>Vibrio fischeri</i> magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1.3 mT