Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on magnetic power frequency fields (50/60 Hz)

2061 studies in total
  1. 769 studies
  2. 641 studies
  3. 519 studies
  4. 416 studies
  5. 331 studies
  6. 210 studies

DNA, proteins, and oxidative stress

641 studies in total
  1. 258 studies
  2. 214 studies
  3. 185 studies
  4. 47 studies

Genotoxicity 214 studies in total

Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Mustafa E et al. 2022 intact cell/cell culture, SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) 50/60 Hz, magnetic field -
Calabro E et al. 2024 intact cell/cell culture, SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, static magnetic field -
Villarini M et al. 2017 intact cell/cell culture, SH-SY5Y and SK-N-BE-2 (human neuroblastoma cell lines) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF 0.01–1 mT
Kesari KK et al. 2016 intact cell/cell culture, SH-SY5Y cells (human neuroblastoma cell line) and C6 (rat glioma cell line) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 10–30 µT
Simko M et al. 2001 intact cell/cell culture, SHE (syrian hamster embryo) cells magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, co-exposure 1 mT
Miyakoshi J et al. 1998 intact cell/cell culture, Saos-LP-12 (cell line derived from human osteosarcoma) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 400 mT
Nguyen H et al. 2023 intact cell/cell culture, TK6 cells (lymphoblastoma cells) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz -
Su L et al. 2017 intact cell/cell culture, U251 and A127 (human glioblastoma cell lines), SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line), rat astrocytes, rat microglia, primary cortical neurons (of rat) magnetic field, low frequency, 50/60 Hz 2 mT
Mairs RJ et al. 2007 intact cell/cell culture, UVW (human glioma cell line) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 mT
Fiorio R et al. 1993 intact cell/cell culture, V79 (Chinese hamster fibroblast cells) magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 200 µT