Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on mobile communications

1701 studies in total
  1. 740 studies
  2. 564 studies
  3. 512 studies
  4. 221 studies
  5. 204 studies
  6. 118 studies


512 studies in total
  1. 154 studies
  2. 148 studies
  3. 142 studies
  4. 80 studies
  5. 35 studies
  6. 35 studies
  7. 18 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Wiholm C et al. 2007 human spatial memory performance 884 MHz 0.23–1.95 W/kg continuous for 3 h mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Luria R et al. 2009 human, partial body: head (left or right side) spatial working memory 890.2 MHz 0.54–1.09 W/kg 1 h mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Hareuveny R et al. 2011 human, partial body: head (left or right side) spatial working memory 890.2 MHz 0.54–1.09 W/kg not specified in the article mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Saikhedkar N et al. 2014 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body structure and function of the rat brain and oxidative stress 900 MHz 0.99 W/kg continuous for 4 h/day for 15 days mobile phone, mobile communications
Verrender A et al. 2016 human, partial body: left side of head visual discrimination and working memory 920 MHz 1–2 W/kg continuous for 30 minutes mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Mortazavi SM et al. 2012 human, partial body: right ear visual reaction time - 1.23 W/kg 5 x 10 min. (in random order with sham exposure and 30 min. rest in between) mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Regel SJ et al. 2007 human, partial body: head waking EEG, cognitive performance 900 MHz 1 W/kg continuous for 30 min digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Loughran SP et al. 2013 human, partial body: head waking EEG, cognitive performance 900 MHz 0.35–1.4 W/kg continuous for 30 min mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, PW pulsed wave
Regel SJ et al. 2006 human, whole body well-being, cognitive performance, and perceived field strength 2,140 MHz 6.2 µW/kg–32 mW/kg continuous for 45 min mobile phone base station, UMTS, mobile communications
Koivisto M et al. 2000 human, partial body: head working memory 902 MHz - continuous for about 30 min GSM, mobile communications