Study overviews

Epidemiological studies of low and radio frequency exposure on children's health comprise the following studies:

Epidemiological studies on the effects of low and radio frequency on children

339 studies in total
  1. 136 studies
  2. 89 studies
  3. 88 studies
  4. 68 studies
  5. 32 studies
  6. 21 studies
  7. 19 studies

Pregnancy outcomes

88 studies in total
  1. 68 studies
  2. 33 studies
  3. one study
Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Kok RD et al. 2004 - children, children in utero, newborns, 0–9 years 1998 - 2000 The Netherlands birth weight, gestational age at birth, type of delivery, and arterial pH at birth, neurological evaluation (functioning of eyes and ears), gross and fine motor functioning, social development and communication MRI
Myers C et al. 1998 - women, children in utero not stated UK gestational age at delivery, APGAR scores at 1 and 5 min, admission to the neonatal unit, method of delivery, birthweight and individualized birthweight ratio MRI
Baker PN et al. 1994 cross-sectional study children, children in utero, 0–3 years - UK reproductive effects and pregnancy outcomes, others MRI
Ray JG et al. 2016 cohort study women, children in utero, 16–49 years 2003 - 2015 Canada stillbirth, neonatal death within 28 days of birth, congenital anomaly, neoplasm, hearing or vision loss MRI
Chartier AL et al. 2019 case-control study women, children in utero, newborns 2008 - 2015 USA birth weight, hearing impairment MRI
Strizek B et al. 2015 case-control study children in utero, newborns 2008 - 2012 Belgium birth weight MRI, also other exposures without EMF
Yamaguchi-Sekino S et al. 2024 - women, newborns not stated Japan premature birth and low birth weight MRI, occupational
Kanal E et al. 1993 - women, children in utero, newborns 1990 USA live birth, miscarriage, infertility, preterm delivery, gender of the offspring, and birth weight RF field, magnetic field, static magnetic field, DC, MRI, occupational
Logue JN et al. 1985 survey men, children in utero, newborns not stated USA congenital anomalies: Down syndrome, clubfoot, cleft lip/palate, missing fingers or toes, heart defect, digestive difect, spina bifida, condition requiring special education or care, cerebral palsy, hearing disorder RF field, microwaves, occupational, also other exposures without EMF, therapeutic/medical device
Mjoen G et al. 2006 cohort study men, children in utero, newborns 1976 - 1995 Norway birth defects, preterm delivery, low birth weight, male proportion and perinatal mortality RF field, occupational