The stripline irradiator and the experimental chamber were placed in an anechoic box. All the inputs to the box were shielded or filtered.
The stripline slot irradiator consisted of two parallel metal strips on a dielectricbase layer with the following dimensions: strip length 35.25 mm, width 2 mm, and thickness negligible. The distance between strips (slot) was 3.6 mm. An area of about 0.5 cm² near the end of the strips served as a bottom for the 0.2-ml bath provided with a fairly uniform field. The chamber was placed perpendicular to the slot to minimize irradiation of nerve sites situated in its lateral sections.
Ahlers MT et al.
No influence of acute RF exposure (GSM-900, GSM-1800, and UMTS) on mouse retinal ganglion cell responses under constant temperature conditions