Study type:
Risk communication/perception study
(practical study)
Factors Affecting Risk Perception of Electromagnetic Waves From 5G Network Base Stations
Koh TH, Choi JW, Seo M, Choi HD, Kim K
Published in: Bioelectromagnetics 2020; 41 (7): 491-499
Risk perception
- degree of risk perception of EMF from 5G base stations in comparison to other EMF sources (e.g., mobile phones, microwaves, Bluetooth, power lines) and non-EMF sources (e.g., climate change, drinking water pollution, cigarette smoking); factors (e.g.,sex, age, smoking status, knowledge on EMF, severity of consequences,) that influence the risk perception
Considered exposure sources
Investigated group
3,393 adults took part in a survey in Korea in 2019.