Tomas G et al.
Clutch size and egg volume in great tits (Parus major) increase under low intensity electromagnetic fields: A long-term field study
Dell'Omo G et al.
Magnetic fields produced by power lines do not affect growth, serum melatonin, leukocytes and fledging success in wild kestrels
Everaert J et al.
A Possible Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations on the Number of Breeding House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Balmori A et al.
The Urban Decline of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus): A Possible Link with Electromagnetic Radiation
Costantini D et al.
MF magnitude does not affect body condition, pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants in Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) nestlings
Balmori A
Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields from Phone Masts on a Population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Fernie KJ et al.
Evidence of oxidative stress in American kestrels exposed to electromagnetic fields
Fernie KJ et al.
Behavior of free-ranging and captive American kestrels under electromagnetic fields
Fernie KJ et al.
Effects of electromagnetic fields on the growth of nestling american kestrels
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