To study histochemically by the cytochrome oxidase activity-method of electromagnetic field effects on metabolic activity of the auditory (inferior colliculus) and non-auditory (superior colliculus) centers of the rat midbrain.
Exposure | Parameters |
Exposure 1:
980 MHz
Modulation type:
Exposure duration:
repeated daily exposure, 2 h/day for 5 days
Frequency | 980 MHz |
Exposure duration | repeated daily exposure, 2 h/day for 5 days |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Pulse width | 500 µs |
Repetition frequency | 1,000 Hz |
Exposure source |
Setup | animals were placed in transparent plastic boxes which were located in the echo free 3m x 2.5 m x 2 m chamber |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Measurand | Value | Type | Method | Mass | Remarks |
power density | 5 W/m² | - | measured | - | - |
An increase of the enzyme activity was found in several midbrain structures of the exposed rats.
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